By-Post Features

This blog has a variety of by-post and by-author features.

It has by-author:
— post title colors;
— full-post backgrounds;
— title images;
— images at the beginning of the post;
— post signatures

I addition, I use in-post styles to provide some in-post background variation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Tom 2

The template has been modified again, adding an author image to the left of the post title.

The method is different than used for the start of the post image. The images have also been changed.

The header method is completely different, as it requires that the header images be located at the same address and have a .png extension. It's also done as an expression:
<img class='pt-image' expr:src='&quot;; + + &quot;.png&quot;' />

class='pt-image', while not required, permits the image float to be put in the stylesheet rather than as an in-line style. That allows changes without going down-template.

The placement can be seen in my reply T E D of 2/8/10.